
Paintings by Josep Maria Garcia-Llort

We present a new exhibition of Josep Maria Garcia-LLort in our gallery. Despite being over 80, Garcia-Llort keeps working intensely within his particular universe and the exhibition “Paintings by Josep Maria Garcia-Llort” confirms it with a selection of works from the last three years.

The poetics of Garcia-Llort have no comparison in the plastics of Catalonia or Spain. Even if he is part of the group of artists that renewed the post civil war art (Albert Ràfols Casamada or Josep Guinovart are among his contemporaries), he walked a different path. Despite knowing the avant-gardes because of his stay in Paris in the 1940s, where he arrived with a grant from the French Government that he shared with Antoni Tàpies, and his long stay in the United States during the 1950s, he chose to follow a very personal path that puts his apart of his contemporaries.

Thes paintings by Josep Maria Garcia-Llort explore a way that only a few times has been walked in the artistic context of our country, the use of a little emphatic irony and the social critique alongside a personal sense of beauty. His shapes and themes are clearly close to expressionism, but a cubist geometry and a fragmentation of the compositions that reminds us a Gothic or Romanesque window, turn his work into something extremely personal.

This exhibition features his latest works where he keep intact his sharpness and his personal humor. The scenes he presents keep the overwhelming chromatic potency that has been typical of him since long time ago, colors that somehow reflect his complex interior universe.

Garcia-Llort is a man tied to his art. As his work, he is scathing, intelligent and of an impeccable elegance, with an attitude towards life almost anachronistic because of his fidelity to his own ideas. However, the strength of his work, with his always valid critique, make the artist and his work a whole that is absolutely contemporary.

The exhibition “Paintings by Josep Maria Garcia-Llort” can be visited until next June 30th.



Pinturas de Josep Maria Garcia-Llort en la galería de arte de Barcelona Sala Dalmau