Joan Capella

Joan Capella and Barcelona

We present a new exhibition of Joan Capella in our gallery in which the painter from Montcada i Reixac shows us his latest works, around thirty oils on canvas and gouaches on paper.

In this year in which Barcelona hosts the Olympics, Capella presents paintings in which he addresses the theme of sport, which, although he had worked previously, now gains great importance. In these paintings he maintains his usual style influenced by the School of Paris, with his usual colour palette far from stridency. The sportsmen, as in his portraits, are presented in a schematic and featureless manner, but with his usual subtlety that allows him to recreate their emotions to perfection.

As is typical of him, Capella also presents landscapes, in which he mixes different places to create a new space. On this occasion, he has focused on landscapes of Barcelona and its surroundings, but with that fusion that allows the viewer to decide which is the place that the artist wanted to evoke.

The exhibition dedicated to Joan Capella and Barcelona can be visited until April 30.


Joan Capella y Barcelona Joan Capella i Barcelona Joan Capella and Barcelona