Jacint Salvadó

The work of Jacint Salvadó has always been very close to our gallery. After including his work in some of our group shows dedicated to the School of Paris, in 1994 we presented his first solo show including works from his entire career, from his expressionist beginnings to the colorful geometry of his latest years. In 2003 we focused in his more geometrical and personal work from the 70s and 80s.
The current show coincides with a new institutional recognition: after his exhibitions at the Pia Almoina, The Reina Sofia Museum or the Museum of Tarragona, The Cervantes Institute of Paris presents a retrospective vindicating his work in France, his adoptive country.  Muro gallery from Valencia will also take part in this homage. This is an exceptional opportunity to know and appraise the work of one of the pioneers of geometrical abstraction.



Obra de Jacinto Salvado en la galería de arte de Barcelona Sala Dalmau


El Punt Avui 2015