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Manuel Angeles Ortiz

Manuel Angeles Ortiz

Manuel Angeles Ortiz was born in Jaen in 1895 but Granada would be his city of adoption. There he studies to be a painter with Juan Larrocha and at the Superior School of Industrial Arts. Close friend of Federico Garcia Lorca, they will collaborate on numerous occasions
In 1919 he marries Francisca Alarcon with whom he would have a daughter,  Isabel Clara. He visits Madrid and meets Dalí, Moreno Villa or Buñuel and later on he would go to Paris. There he will become a close friend of Picasso.His stay in Paris allows Manuel Ángeles Ortiz to get close with the group of artists of the School of Paris and participate in their exhibitions. He also collaborates with Luis Buñuel  in “La edad de oro”. From 1932 to 1939 he returns to Spain, there he will meet Torres-García and Neruda. He will collaborate with the Antifascist intellectual league and will exhibit at the Spanish republic pavilion. At the end of the Spanish civil war he exiles in Paris with Picasso’s help.
Later on, at the beginning of the II world war painter Manuel Angeles Ortiz settles in Argentina until 1949. From those years are his wood sculptures. In 1949 he goes back to Paris and travels through Europe.
In 1957 Manuel Angeles Ortiz returns to Granada. This trip to the city of his childhood it’s a turning point in his work, there he begins his famous series, many of them inspired directly in the geography of the city: Paseos de cipreses (cypress path), Albicin (a famous Granada neighborhood), Misteriosa Alhambra  (Mysterious Alhambra)…

It caused a great impact in his life, as he remembered: “That visit stirred everything that my youth had meant to me, my childhood, those moments broken by endless circumstances. I spent a lot of time without painting, just walking, talking to people. My obsession was Federico (Garcia-Lorca): the reasons, where, when”. He would keep a close relation with Granada for the rest of his life.

In 1964 he marries Brigitte Badin, who will inspire him series such as Cabeza de mujer (Woman head) and, specially, Cabezas multiples (Multiple heads).

In 1981 he receives the Premio Nacional de Artes Plásticas (The national prize of Fine Arts) and is appointed Favorite Son of Jaen.

In 1982 our gallery begins to work with him, a relation that will last until his death, in 1984, when he passes in Paris while we were preparing his first solo exhibition at Sala Dalmau.

In 1989 his remains are sent to Granada and is posthumously appointed Adoptive Son of the city.

Manuel Ángeles Ortiz CV




Avui 1996