José Leguey was born in Elche (Alicante, Spain) in 1951.
At the age of 3, Leguey leaves Spain with his family to live in Argentina, settling at Trelew, in the South Patagonia, there he spends his childhood and teenage years. He studies fine arts at the local art school. In his youth he takes part in the cultural activity of the city, he joins the T.E.T theatre group (Teatro Estudio Trelew), taking part in the organization of meetings with other alternative theatre groups from all over Argentina. He studies scenography and with a group of friends creates “Atelier patagónico”.
The political drift of the countries at the Cono Sur in front of an untenable political situation urges him to interrupt all this activity and takes a strong political commitment as the only way to achieve a social change in the country. This commitment and the threats it takes as well as the military coup, force him to leave Argentina. He moves back to his hometown in late 1974 and decides to focus in painting, his great passion.
In 2010 José Leguey joins the group of artists of our gallery.